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Women's Health
Gynaecologist Appointments
Miss Grainger sees patients at the practice for a range of Female Health Concerns.
Initially a patient will have a 30 minute consultation.
If a procedure is undertaken, for example a coil fitting, coil removal, smear test,
then this will be an additional 15 min.
Gynaecologist Consultation
30 min
Miss Grainger's consultations are for 30 minutes allowing you time to be at ease and discuss your concerns and health issues in an un-hurried manner.
Gynaecologist Menopause/
HRT Consultation
45 min
Miss Grainger has much experience of helping women with their hormonal balance especially approaching menopause and during menopause.
If you wish to have a procedure please select the relevant procedure from the list below,
if you wish to see Miss Grainger for a consultation, please select the initial consultation option.
Coil insertion
45 min
If you have decided to have an Intrauterine contraceptive device, Miss Grainger can fit these for you comfortably and accurately.
Mirena £360.00
Kyleena £370.00
Jaydess £350.00
Copper coil £265.00
Gynaecologist Coil Removal
30 min
Miss Grainger can safely remove coils from women either when contraception is no longer needed or desired or for other reasons.
Coil Removal £175
Smear Test
15 min
A smear test checks the health of your cervix and should be carried out on women aged 25 to 64 although you can choose to have a smear outside of this age range.
Smear Test £240
Gynaecology Minor Surgery
Miss Grainger, Consultant Gynaecologist, can review and remove 'lumps and bumps' from the pelvic area for women.
These can be skin tags, cysts, or areas deemed to be 'cosmetic' by the NHS but nevertheless can be problematic for women. As with all minor surgery, a pre-op consultation is required so that Miss Grainger can review the area, explain all the 'pros' and 'cons' and options for treatment, and then allow a 7-14 day period for the patient to reflect and make an informed decision.
If surgery is decided upon, the appointment can be made with Miss Grainger. On occasion, Miss Grainger may decide that the sample removed needs to be sent for analysis which would incur an additional laboratory fee.
The areas covered include the Mons Pubis, Labia, and the exterior vagina.
This would include issues such as:
Skin tags
Labial repair (where there is an injury) but not labial revision surgery
Perineum review following Episiotomy and repair if required
Bartholin cyst drainage
Labial/gynae abscess
Sebaceous cyst/lipoma
All our minor surgery is undertaken in the Minor Surgery suite with Miss Grainger being assisted by our trained HCA.
The initial Minor surgery Consultation can be booked online and then the surgery booked by our team.
Gynaecology Minor Surgery Consultation
20 min
This initial consultation with Miss Grainger is to discuss the surgery only.
After the initial Minor surgery Consultation, the surgery will be then booked by our team directly.
Gynae Minor Surgery Consultation £125 (to discuss surgery only)
Minor Surgery £360
Pathology fees from £128
Follow-up Minor surgery £85